12 to 20 feet
Almost naturalized in California, but not hardy in the north, ‘Belle Portugaise’ is also known as ‘Belle of Portugal’. This extremely vigorous, large-flowered climber blooms for a long season each spring and can tolerate heat and limey soil. The very long buds open to large, loose, semi-double flowers with shell pink petals. Big, pendulous roses hang down as if to spill their intoxicating fragrance on the faces of passing admirers. If the buds do not get frost-nipped, the spring display is absolutely delicious. Give this climber plenty of room to spread.
Name: Belle Portugaise
Vendor: Antique Rose Emporium
SKU: 414
Class: Climber
Color: pink
Growth Habit: Climber
Fragrant: yes
Hips: no
Blooms: Once
Climate Zones: zone 8, zone 9, zone 10, zone 11
Minimum Height: 12ftMature Height: 20ft